Living With Suicide Zine

There is not enough space to talk about suicide in our society; not only are suicidal feelings stigmatised, but suicide attempts and life after an attempt rarely gets a voice.
Living With Suicide is a beautiful collection of stories from survivors of suicide attempts and people living with suicidal thoughts/feelings across the world. It hopes to provide a space for people to know they are not alone, as well as offer insight into what it is like to live through an attempt or live with suicidal thoughts/feelings.
It is 65 pages of words, cartoons, illustrations, photography, and links to other resources.
"Great little book - gold dust."
£7 - full price
£5 - for people who are unwaged/on benefits
Pay It Forward - buy a zine for someone who is strapped for cash
Email us if you need to pay less than the above amounts, or need one for free ([email protected]).
Discounts also available if buying in bulk for work/other projects/etc.
Please allow up to a week for the zine/s to be shipped.
**Individual prints of the cartoons in the zine are available (email us if interested: [email protected]).**